Importance of Hydration
“MOST OF US understand that hydration is crucial for our health. This has been proven through dozens of independent studies, showing at even mild levels of dehydration our physical and emotional abilities can be significantly affected. In fact, the functionality of our body and our cognitive ability and our mood are hindered to an alarming degree if our body’s total water content drops by as little as 1%.”
One of the first questions I ask my clients is how much water do you drink? I am stunned at the amount of people who just do not drink enough water or ANY water at all!
I must admit that I get a bit frustrated that people want to improve their health but miss this essential element of life. I understand the many reasons why people do not drink enough water and it can be hard work to make it a habit. Here are a few different perspectives about water to consider…
Firstly, dehydration is a condition in which the body’s ability to operate as a self-healing organism is blocked. It affects blood pressure, blood-sugar metabolism, digestion, and kidney function. Fatigue and headaches are the first symptom of dehydration and also constipation.
You would think that our body would tell us we are thirsty. But the modern world’s obsession for coffee, soft drinks, fruit juice and processed foods and additives has desensitised our thirst mechanism. We have forgotten what it feels like to be thirsty. We mistake it for hunger, or we reach for a coffee or sugary drink before reaching for water. Many children are losing their thirst mechanism & most adults have already lost it!
It takes 4 to 6 weeks to re-hydrate the body—it needs to be coaxed out of dehydration mode, which is the water equivalent of starvation mode. The primary goal of the body is survival. When a body has remained dehydrated for long enough, it will retreat into survival instinct, storing water for the thirsty future. It takes some time before the body trusts that the period of chronic dehydration has come to an end.
The amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%. Electrolytes, minerals and vitamins are disbursed through the body in the medium of water.
To hydrate the body at a cellular level so we can be in an optimum state for self-healing some people say we not only need enough water, but we need the right water.
Water in nature filters slowly through Mother Earth before bubbling up through a pristine spring, full of energy and life force, essentially living water. This is molecularly different to the H2O we believe our bodies need.
The human body does not absorb H2O. It must convert H2O into H3O2 (cell water) so only 18% of the normal water you drink is actually absorbed. Studies show around 90% of humans are very dehydrated because of this reason. Poor health and diseases are connected to lack of dehydration. When you put “cell water” already structured and micro-clustered water into your body it doesn’t need to use huge amounts of energy to covert the water into its absorbable state.
Another thing to consider is water has memory
Thousands of experiments in various countries of the world have shown that water “accepts” and “saves” any outside influence. It “keeps” and “remembers” anything that happens in its surrounding environment, and anything that comes into contact with water leaves a “mark” in it.
Scientific studies have shown that water, not only has memory but its structure is affected by the emotions of people. The water molecules change their position when they interact with positive or negative emotions. The structure of water is more important than its composition. Scientists concluded that water molecules act as memory cells and record the entire history of interaction with the outside world.
We can add intention to water
Japanese Author Dr Masaru Emoto studied water for over 20 years. Emoto said that water was a "blueprint for our reality" and that emotional "energies" and "vibrations" could change the physical structure of water. Emoto's water crystal experiments consisted of exposing water in glasses to different words, pictures, or music and then freezing and examining the aesthetic properties of the resulting crystals with microscopic photography.
We can program intention into water and it actually alters its taste, viscosity and effects. I have experimented with this myself for years and it works in my experience.
You can get fantastic water filters which make filtered mineralised living water that is cheaper to buy than bottled water and better for the environment with out all the plastic bottles.
Zazen Water Filters
I have a beautiful Zazen Water system which my clients love and often fill up bottles for later use. The cost equate to 5 cents a litre. Please contact me for more information if you are interested in purchasing one of these beautiful Water Filters.
Zazen Replicates Mother Nature’s water cycle transforming your drinking water with our 10 Stage State-of-the-Art process into refreshing, alkaline mineral water that hydrates you immediately at a cellular level! Zazen reduces 99% chlorine, heavy metals and up to 90% of fluoride.
Filtering water is a great first step, but it is only 50% of the way there.
To get the next 50% we must ask: What are the properties of water that support health and wellbeing? By asking this question we find out that Mother Nature’s water cycle does not produce water that is simply H2O. It produces an energised and specifically structured and balanced compound that benefits our body and improves our well-being. Most importantly, it is in a state that our body can receive and absorb.
As it travels through the earth, filtering through natural sand, soil and mineral deposits, the water sheds toxins and picks up minerals, magnetic energy from mother earth and far infra-red energy from the sun, and its structure changes and adapts. By the time it bubbles from a spring and flows down a stream, water contains important properties that are essential for our hydration, essential for life!
Water that contains the right properties, including a balanced range of minerals, is readily received and absorbed into the body for cellular hydration.
Zazen’s do not put water under pressure like undersink filters, don’t expose it to artificial currents like ionizers, and don’t do half the job. In collaboration with leading scientists from both the East and the West, and using state-of-the-art technologies, the zazen Alkaline Water System mimics Mother Nature’s water cycle, providing you with mineral water in an ideal state to hydrate your body. Cellular hydration is a core strategy for prevention of and recovery from disease.
Tastes great just like natural spring water
Emulates Mother Nature’s water cycle filtering toxins in your drinking water and adding a balanced range of alkaline minerals.
State-of-the-Art 10 Stage Process
Designed by zazen in Australia for local water conditions together with the world’s leading water scientists.
Creates alkaline mineral water naturally
Our philosophy of creating alkaline mineral water naturally, not artificially, ensures your body hydrates at a cellular level.
Easy to setup and maintain
No plumbing, no electricity, environmentally friendly just like Mother Nature.
Only 5c a litre on tap in your kitchen!
Drink it, wash your vegies in it, cook with it, fill the kettle and your pet’s water bowls!
Reduces fluoride & BPA free
Safely and effectively reduces fluoride up to 90% plus heavy metals & other harmful toxins.
You don’t need sports drinks with all the added sugar, colours etc. etc. when you have access to Zazen Water…
Have a look at Zazen’s website for more information…