What is BioField Imaging…
Our eyes have a very limited capacity to perceive all the signals around us. We need a microscope to see very small things, a telescope to see things far away, and an infra-red camera to see in the dark. Similarly, Biofield Imaging (digital light filtering) software provides another way of allowing us to see more information about our surroundings. It takes the light signals received via video, web and still cameras and digitally filters them with a computer programme; with the aim of altering the image to reveal 'hidden' things the eye would not normally see.
The original purpose of digitally filtering the light around subjects was to aid human health assessment. However, whilst investigating this health application of the software in our research we discovered that various practitioners were receiving 'paranormal' results - i.e. the images the light filtering produced were not in the 'normal' or 'expected' category.
Resolutions Biofield Imaging software filters fine gradations of light which are not normally visible to the eye. For example, imagine looking at a white wall or a white piece of paper. Our eyes and brain can only discern white, when in reality, there are very fine gradations of light and patterns of light which a camera can see but our eyes can't. Our eyes and brain have not evolved to process these fine gradations of light and patterns. Our software has colour-coded these fine gradations in a way that allows us to see them and the subtle energy patterns which surround us.
Many clairvoyants say that it gives a close representation of what they are able to see with their eyes. Many people can see "auras" and differing colours and effects around living things. What this imaging system shows is similar to aura photography, but it can also show details such as chakras, meridians, and so much more.
My aim with Mind Your Matter Healing has always been to show people the power of their mind and emotions on their physical body and surrounding environment. My clients have felt the effects of my work by healing mind, body and soul but now they can see what can happen when harnessing the power of the mind and amplification of the heart.
I am now utilising these images in my client appointments as well as experimenting on myself. I am taking images before and after an energy balance and experimenting with energy channelling, altered brainwaves and emotional states. When analysing the images, the results are astounding.
If you would like to be a part of this world of energy and see what effect you have on the world around you, send me a message. Cost is variable depending on what you want to do with yourself!
This work can be done over distance, I will send you some simple instructions to follow to capture your own images and will return processed images with analysis and discussion.